Most prices are best quoted per instrument. This list is best served as a starting point. Prices do not include parts or strings; only labor. If you do not see a service you need done, please contact us. If we can’t do it, we will refer you to a qualified repair person
Instruments included in this pricing include but are not limited to:
Acoustic Guitars, Electric Guitars, Bass, Ukulele, Mandolin, Banjo, Resonator and Classical (Nylon String) Guitars
"SHOP TIME" is billed at $35 for the first 2 hours and $35hr past that.
Tier 1 Setup - $40 - *most popular*
Clean/polish frets, Condition fretboard, Adjustment of neck, string height, pickup heights, intonation, maintain tuning keys/strap buttons, tighten all moving parts, polish instrument to shine!
Tier 2 Setup - $50
Includes everything in Tier 1, plus: Clean/treat case, minor fretwork and/or electronics repair, neck shim (if needed), nut slotting, action adjustment (acoustic guitar)
**please add $10 for Floyd Rose, 7-String, and 12 string guitars for most services.**
**please add $10 per string (5&6 string basses) for setup cost**
Fret Level-Recrown & Polish $110
Full Setup required for all instuments. Does not include price of strings
Fret Replacement – please inquire
Pickup installations
Pricing does not include Setup fees or parts
Electric Guitar
2 conductor pickups - $15 (per pickup)
4 conductor pickups - $20 (per)
Active systems are billed at Shop time. This includes Fisman Fluence, EMG, etc...
Special options – Coil Tap, Phase Selection, Series/Parallel switching, etc. quoted per instrument starting at $35hr
Let us design the perfect system for you!
Complete Re-wire of electronics - $35hr. - Shop time
Acoustic Guitar Pickup installation
Basic $35 – Includes simple pickup installs. Most non-permanent installs will fall into this category.
Advanced $50– Permanent install of Endpin jack, pickup of your choosing, and sound hole volume controls
Premium $100 – Endpin, easy access battery compartment, onboard preamp window etc…
Cavity Sheilding - $35hr. Does not include cost of parts. (most strats/teles take about an hour or so to fully sheild)
Nut Replacement – Pricing does not include Setup fees or parts
Prefabricated replacement - $25
Hand Crafted replacement - $50
Tuning key replacement – Pricing does not include Setup fees or parts
Direct retro-fit - $10
Non-Direct replacement billed at Shop Time
Headstock repair – Starting at $25 for a basic re-glue.
We do not offer in-house finish repair at this time. Please inquire within if you would like a referral to one of our finish experts.
Acoustic bridge reset/re-glue –
We do not do this job in-house. Please inquire for referral.
Please contact us for custom work!
All prices subject to change
Current prices effective 02-2022
Instruments not picked up (and paid for) after 90 days of notification of completion of repair will be considered abandoned by Goshen Guitar Works, and sold to recover cost of repairs. We will make several attempts to reach you within the first 90 days of completion of your repairs. Our goal is to offer timely service and we ask you to be timely in picking up your instruments once repairs are finished. THANK YOU